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Vision and Mission Statement

Vision Statement

Our vision is to establish a vibrant church rooted in the Word of God. We aim to foster a biblical community of believers who passionately disciple others, demonstrating love for God, each other, and the world. Through our core values of hope, faith, love, service, community, discipleship, and truth, we seek to reflect Christ’s love and serve our community.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to equip the members of our church to share the gospel and make disciples. We strive to be active in serving those in need in our community and use our resources as a mission station, to glorify God, living in biblical community and inviting others into our community of believers. Through active discipleship in life groups, kingdom building ministries and teaching the Bible and proclaiming God’s Word, our ultimate goal is to glorify God and create a healthy, vibrant church that loves each other and loves outside of the walls of a building, trusting God and seeking His will in all we do.